Saturday, May 3, 2008

A True Latter-day Miracle!

Most of my blog readers know that on Friday morning I had surgery to repair an umbilical hernia. This hernia brought on by me helping a friend out whose children had had the flu. Who then in turn got the flu herself. Then Daren and I thought we would help this friend out by watching her children while she "violently" ill. And then of course I got "violently ill" just a few hours later and threw up so hard that it caused a "hernia" to appear just below my belly button. NOTE: Just in case you are wondering, I still do believe in serving others and won't let this "one" little instance change my love of doing nice things for other people. Really, the flu is still going strong and heavy here in Kearney. We have had many, many people down with it in the last few weeks.

So a little low down on the surgery and by the way, I am feeling great! I feel a little too good for just having had surgery 23 hours ago. On Thursday I asked our LDS Bishop/now 1st counselor in the Stake Presidency to come over and help Daren give me a blessing. I believe that Priesthood power is on the earth today and that great miracles can happen when we call on those holding those keys to lay their hands on our heads and give us a blessing of strength, recovery and calmness. I know that priesthood blessings work! So Daren gave me a blessing and I was feeling very calm about the whole "operation" process. I needed to feel calm after having almost died having my gallbladder out.

I had a pedicure on Thursday and ran around like a "wild woman" trying to get all the little errands done that had been stacking up. I knew a pedicure was the perfect thing to have because I couldn't wear any make-up to the hospital and I would have to be wearing my glasses instead of contacts. So attractive! My thought was "at least my little 'piggies' would look great poking out from under the edge of the stiff hospital sheets"--And they did! --Thanks Jamie! :)

I got up on Friday and got the kids off to school. I needed to be at the hospital at 8:00AM. Got there at 8:15 AM. That's pretty good for me. They got me checked in and I started to get really nervous. After about 5 seconds of sitting in a chair watching "nothing" on TV, I told Daren I needed to just do some walking. HA! I always turn to walking when I get nervous. I should be skinnier, shouldn't I? Anyway, I walked around Good Samaritan Hospital for about hour and a half. I walked and walked and picked up rocks and walked and walked. I kept checking my cellphone to see if Daren had called or maybe I hadn't heard the page. NOTHING! I was told 9:45 AM surgery. I needed a 9:45 AM surgery time. I had it all planned out in my mind. 8:00 AM--check-in, 9:45 AM surgery, and home by lunch! I think I finally got into surgery about 10:30 AM and they called Daren during his 11:15 AM class and told him that I was already back in the recovery room. So fast and yet I feel so good! A MIRACLE! I know it is. I have a little cut right below my belly-button and my "drugs" are my best friends. I am trying to do little things to keep my hands busy, and Daren is just trying to keep me down.

I just wanted to say "thank-you" to all the the wonderful family and friends I have. I have been showered with phone calls, notes, flowers, meals and many, many prayers. What a great blessing the gospel is in my life. I love living in a community that is still of the mind-set that serving others is what we do! My first meal last night was brought in by my sweet office mate. Delicious!

Again, thank you! I feel so blessed. There are miracles. I am proof! I know God lives. He loves me! His son died for me on the cross and I can be forgiven of my sins as I forgive others for theirs! That is what it is all about! I feel so blessed with a great husband, and children who are so much better than I deserve! I feel humbled in my calling as Primary president and want to seek to do the will of the Lord more!

I have learned that there are good people all around me if I will just take the time and look. I need to use the Holy Ghost more in my life!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Leaving a test comment. Seems there is trouble in this here blog!