Saturday, November 3, 2007

A Simple HUG!

A simple hug you say! Well, I just wanted to share one of the great joys of my job! As many of you know I teach some of the International Students at UNK! It is one of the most rewarding things I do! I really can't believe I get paid to teach because they--the students--give me so much more!

Let me just share this example! Thursday night Daren and I had decided to get our flu shots for the season. They were offering the shots on campus in the library and the nursing students from UMNC were giving the shots so we thought it would a great way to get this yearly task done. Line up the whole family and get it done! Laura and Cameron were so funny. They marched in like little troopers for their shots. Laura wanted to have more than one shot! Yes, she really did and she watched every move. Then she held my hand for my turn. Christopher was a different story. He hates shots. He really, really, really hates shots. He had to be dragged into the room and then it still wasn't a pretty site. EEK! I guess we can't all be "TEAM" players.

It was as were leaving the library that I had one of the cutest experiences ever. I saw one of my students, Lin, from China coming into the library as we were leaving. She is this cute, quiet, darling little Chinese girl, who just knows the answers but doesn't raise her hand much. LOVE IT! Anyway, Lin came up to me as I was leaving the library and I introduced her to my children. She loved it. And of course I gave Lin one of my great big hugs like I do whenever I see one of my students. It's so unlike what their countries and cultures teach them that I love so see their reactions! They get use to after a while! --I hope they do! No, really they do love it!
Anyway, the next day in class after the others had left, Lin came up to me and asked me if she could ask me a question. I said of course she could and she asked me this: "Mrs. Snider, could you show me how to give a hug?!" Could I show her how to give a hug?! Was she kidding?! No problem. What a sweet thing. I just melted. What a doll! She just wanted to know how to give a hug. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo, soooooooooooooooooooooo cute!

I was so touched by her gentleness and the chance that I have to share even something as small as how to give a hug! NO, that is not in the reading book I have selected for this semester.

That is why I love my job! What a touching, tender mercy moment for me. I was so overcome by the spirit and the sweet love of our Savior. He loves each one of his children so deeply. I felt so blessed at that moment to have the opportunity to have the gospel in my life and also to have the gift of the Holy Ghost given to me.

1 comment:

Amazed said...

I love this hug story! Awesome~!