Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tuesday Tag or Five Things for Tuesday

Because I don't seem to be doing very well with writing and updating my blog better, I have decided to give each day of the week a task! For example, Tuesdays will be "TAG" day! I think if might just work! We will see.
So for today, Tuesday, September 30, 2008 here is my tag. ENJOY!
For Tuesday, September 30, 2008 think of:
5 things that make you happy.
It makes me happy when I hear my children laughing and playing with each other.
It makes me happy when I see my husband sharing his testimony and gospel knowledge with our children.
It makes me happy to sit by the water's edge and enjoy the warm sun and the feel of the water on my skin. I am a water child!
It makes me happy when I can travel and see something I have never seen before.
It makes me happy when I can be the answer to someone else's prayer! Had a great experience with that this week-end.
5 things you would do for a million dollars.
If I had a million dollars I would pay off my house, pay off my student loans and credit cards, buy new cars and travel. I know that sounds so selfish but I need to get my house in order before I can help others with theirs.
5 things you do every morning.

This is so funny! Five thins I do every morning: I get myself out of bed. I say my prayers. I read my scriptures. I brush my teeth. I take a shower and get dressed.
5 things you do every evening
I am pretty predictable. I watch the 10 o'clock news. I check my e-mail. I brush my teeth. I turn down the sheets of the bed. I lay in bed and read "something." I fall asleep way before Daren!

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