Thursday, August 16, 2007

FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! ~those Snider kid-lets

Three out of the four Snider kids started school today. There were very mixed emotions about the day! Colin is thrilled. Chris likes the routine and Laura, she thinks I should home-school her. I made the mistake of saying to the kids one day this summer that if I home-schooled them they could finish all their school work in about two hours. That must have made some kind of impression on little Laura because she told the principal last night that I should home school her. EEK! I would NEVER do that. I am not that kind of mom! Those poor children would never learn anything that didn't involve some kind of "play." My yellow personality comes through way too much to be a good homeschool mom. --sorry Laura, you'll have to attend public school and be happy! It will be OK and you WILL have a great time!

Those crazy Snider kids--Yes, Cameron is missing. It's 7:00 AM and he is still sleeping!

More of the cuties!

You have to love Christopher's Simpson t-shirt and Colin's trendie "POLO" shirt. Good thing JC Penney's was having a great sale! And the new hair-cuts are nice too!

This was taken last week in Omaha at the Air and Space Musuem. I think this is a SR-71! If it's not right I'm sure Mary will ask Ryan and he will let us know. The kids had a great time. I think we were in th simulators more than we were walking around looking at all the cool airplanes!

And last but not least! Cameron is hanging out with me for one more year! He doesn't turn 5 until January 15th! He will have preschool on MWF from 8:15-11:15 in the morning and then go to another pre-school in the afternoon from 12:15-3:00 PM. He is so excited!


Amazed said...

Cute kiddos. I hate that kids are already in school. I say that because I don't have little ones here...but summer is much too short. And I don't love that other people have them more than me. But my married kids with young ones are pretty happy for the rest! I'm with you....if I were a homeschooler, we'd all sleep in, and do cooking classes or painting classes all day or read poetry. There aren't too many occupations for the renaissance child.

Anonymous said...

The kids look great! Believe it or not, Michal's thinking of home schooling. As always be careful of what you say.
Uncle Richard